How I Film and Edit my Adventure Films with GoPro

How I Film and Edit my Adventure Films with GoPro

2016 was the year that I broke through the ‘film making’ wall that had held me back for years. I used to watch films created by other adventurers and content creators in awe. Sometimes I would film my adventures and challenges, but rarely would that content get edited into a film and shared online. I didn’t know where to start with editing - it seemed daunting and time consuming.

I think many of us have these things that we can’t currently do, but want to be able to. We don’t know where to start or how to break down the barriers we’ve placed in the way. Always start with the lowest hanging fruit.

Building and Sleeping in a Snow Cave

Building and Sleeping in a Snow Cave

“Do you ever question your sanity?” I ask Andy as I stop digging momentarily to assess our progress. We have been digging for three hours, the daylight is fading fast and it feels like I have barely made a dent in the snow pack. At this rate, I'm worried we will still be digging come midnight. “Just keep going” Andy replies, “it will all come together soon, you’ll see.”

What Confidence Means to Me

What Confidence Means to Me

I believe we have to nurture and develop our confidence just like anything else that’s important to us. We don’t just wake up one day feeling confident, we have to invest energy and effort in building self-belief. How do we do this? Especially tough to navigate, when coupled with the desire to challenge ourselves and live courageously, we have to face fear and failure which can have an adverse affect on confidence.

A Family 'Escape the City' Adventure

A Family 'Escape the City' Adventure

It’s 5:30am on a freezing cold Saturday morning in early January, and I’m driving a people carrier full of my favourite people out of London and in search of adventure. “Is it too early for this?” I ask, as I put one of my favourite songs on the car stereo. It’s a dance floor filler kind of song, but they love it. In the car with me I have four of my female cousins; Martha aged 9, Ella age 14, Georgia age 17, and Alex age 25. All of them said YES to waking up in - what felt like - the middle of the night and coming on an adventure with me. I love it when people say yes.

Icehotel Sweden

Icehotel Sweden

“Are you ready to feel like James Bond?” I asked Alexis as we climbed on our snow mobile. It was 7pm as we headed off into the wilderness for our adventure in Swedish Lapland with Discover The World.

After two hours of driving, we stopped off at a hut in the woods to eat dinner. “When do you ever get to do something like this?” I asked him later that evening as we were staring up at the sky hoping for a glimpse of the Northern Lights. “I know, I feel so incredibly lucky to be here, this really has been the trip of a lifetime.”

A Whirlwind Winter Sports Weekend in Austria

A Whirlwind Winter Sports Weekend in Austria

As the plane touched down in Salzburg, Charlie Watson – aka The Runner Beans – and I were squealing with delight. The snow was dumping big time in Austria. Our home for the next three days was a ski chalet in the heart of Saalbach, Hinterglemm. A magical, beautiful and buzzing town in the Austrian Alps. The purpose of our trip was to be part of #StoryBase2017. Set up by the Saalbach tourist board, the concept was to showcase everything this valley has to offer the winter sports enthusiast.

It’s January but I don’t have my s**t together. Help!

It’s January but I don’t have my s**t together. Help!

I find this time of year hard. The internet is awash with people imparting their inspirational wisdom and top tips for helping you get more in your life of whatever it is you may feel you are missing. More healthy living habits, mindfulness, learning, career progression, fitness…. The list goes on.

But what if despite all the advice out there you don’t have a perfect list of goals to smash out 2017, or are struggling with motivation and all the pressure is making you feel a bit anxious? Don’t worry, you are not alone! I feel exactly the same, yet I am not anxious about it and I want to explain why.