The Bakery

Bakery bridges the gap
Bakery bridges the gap

Thursday 7th March

Google Campus
Google Campus

My first time on Google Campus for an event run by The Bakery.  Their tag line is:

"We bake tech startups and brands together to take new technologies to market at rocket speed. Boom!"


The Bakery was founded from a realisation that tech startups are innovating and coming up with brilliant ideas and big brands are looking for innovation in tech to engage with their customers.  All sounds great, except for the fact that the big brands and their marketing agencies not only speak different lingo, but are a million miles apart from the tech startups.  Unless you are lucky enough to play golf with or live next door to the Chief Marketing Officers at Heinz, Stella or BMW, they are virtually untouchable for you and your startup.

Problem Solved

For a handful of startups, in just a few weeks this problem will be solved!  Through The Bakery, a handful of tech startups will win a contract worth up to £50K from one of these brands - a launch pad for their business that is pretty much unrivalled.

The Bakery
The Bakery
How it works
How it works

Yet another opportunity to be inspired in this world of startups. If any of you reading my blog are thinking of starting your own business, you don't have to quit your job - there were loads of people there last night who had come from their 9-5 jobs.  I can't tell you how much support, inspiration and fantastic programs like The Bakery accelerator, there are to help you on your journey.  You are always meeting people who have been in your shoes and know how tough it can be, they want to help you (and also be part of cool, exciting and successful startups I might add). It is encouraging when someone helps you with an introduction or advice and says "remember me when you're a millionaire" :) 

We are applying to The Bakery accelerator, it's a once in a life time opportunity for us... Fingers crossed.

Free Cake

Finally, there always seems to be free cake and beer at these events, love it!

Intro into program
Intro into program
Can I have my cake and eat it?
Can I have my cake and eat it?