Sun, Sea and Mango Mojitos in Sentosa

Think of sandy beaches, palm trees and beach bars. Think shipping lanes and huge cargo ships on the horizon.

Think Disney Land.

Mix them together, and you have...Sentosa!

Sentosa - an island full of fun for everyone. Opposite the world's busiest shipping port
Sentosa - an island full of fun for everyone. Opposite the world's busiest shipping port
Mambo Beach Bar, Siloso Beach
Mambo Beach Bar, Siloso Beach
Sentosa -Beach bars, tourist attractions and shipping lanes on the horizon
Sentosa -Beach bars, tourist attractions and shipping lanes on the horizon

The paradise island that is 10 minutes away from Singapore via train, car or chair lift. A bizzare place, it's a haven for tourists, anyone who wants to escape the Singapore life for some beach action, or anyone who wants to eat a burger and chips. There is no traditional food to be found on this island - all Western food and twice the price of mainland Singapore.

On Monday 10th before I headed to the island, I went for hot and humid run around Singapore. I passed by Sophia Road and Roberts Lane whilst running through Little India.

How friendly is Singapore for me - Roberts Lane
How friendly is Singapore for me - Roberts Lane
Sophia Road... so welcoming
Sophia Road... so welcoming

The best thing I saw on my run was this dog/bear. Poor dog must be sweltering in this climate!

What a dog, but in this heat and humidity? Poor fluffy soul
What a dog, but in this heat and humidity? Poor fluffy soul

Upon arrival in Sentosa I headed to the beach which was just down some steps from my hotel. Wow, I was so happy!  Since Charley became addicted to mountaineering, most of our holiday is spent in cold, snowy or rocky places so golden beaches and sun beating down on me was wonderful.

It's that feeling you get when you wriggle your toes into the sand. The taste of salt in the back of your throat after your first dip in the sea. The feeling of the sun beating down on you and how it warms your soul. It's those feelings that make me feel like this:

Happy times
Happy times
Shades and Mango Mojito - what more can a girl want?
Shades and Mango Mojito - what more can a girl want?
Happy Feet
Happy Feet

My itinerary for today instructed me to "Check-in at the resort and have an idling day lazing at the pool and beach! You should not miss getting that perfect tan and do some island exploring". If I must!  I made friends and drank cocktails. Perfect.

Savouring every moment
Savouring every moment
Clarissa and I sharing tales
Clarissa and I sharing tales
Ladies at Leisure
Ladies at Leisure